Teen Killed Dad For Banning MySpace....

x2 my little bro has one i cant fucking stand it

jeremy kept bugging me for the hockey shit! don’t worry your next hahaha

i already have a facebook account guy lol. although i dont really use it much

The youth of America is fucked.

He will get lots of Surprise Butt Secks.

I’m sure his ass list will superceed his friends list.


So why did his friends keep talking him out of killing himself?

Wow kids are stupid.

Yup, thats why I have many :shoot:.

Society = Fucked

What a fag, seriously. If you kill someone, you must hate them and proceed to piss on their grave afterwords.

He should be used to set an example. AKA You kill your dad, you get bubba’s anal sex time.

Why? His friends where just as lame as he was. I wouldn’t be surprised if they killed their fathers so they could all hang out in prison together for the rest of their lives.

Why does America fail?

let him fry, i hope he gets shanked in prison…

I feel sorry for this kid, you never know what he was going through. So when he reached out on myspace, even the police we’re involved and nothing happened.

He should have been helped…

God this is fucking depressing

Are you kidding me? This is why he is the way he is because all people do is pity him. He’s just the male version of an attention whore. I guarantee you he had a wonderful family and great friends and pretty much everything he wanted but he’s such a fuckin self-loathing emo bitch that he thinks he deserves whatever he wants and damn anyone that doesn’t think so.

Fuck this kid, let him fuckin fry.

Any idea what depression is?
Your a fucking idiot, theres a reason we have mental hospitals. Anyone in the right state of mind wouldn’t have done this. All the signs that something wasn’t right were everywhere and nothing was done to help the kid.

Tell someone with schizophrenia to just be normal, let me know how that works out for you. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE it’s all chemical imbalances in your brain that cause mental illness.

So many people on here are fucking dense. Ok obviously what the kid did was INSANELY fucked up and by no means am I trying to justify it. I just know first hand dealing with people that are depressed that it isn’t something they chose to deal with and no they can’t always fix it without outside help.

reguardless, if I lived in his town it would have been worth it to purposely have gotten arrested the same night, to be in jail with him and beat his fucking ass… icu style.

then post on the internet the cop broke the law when he arrested me ZING

I have depression and anxiety but I don’t go on public forums and tell people I’m going to kill myself when I’m really not going to. YOU’RE the one that has no idea what you’re talking about.

Ok toughguy curb stomp someone that’s already fucked, knowing it will fuck them up even further.

Ok, another scenario; Look at all of the public shootings that have happened. Do you think for one second that most of them didn’t cry out for help in one way or another saying “hey look at me i’m fucked in the head help me”. Instead of sitting here and saying what a piece of shit, look at what could have been done to prevent this.

It’s a Saturday afternoon and I had about 4 hours of sleep last night give me a break on grammar for once :tantrum:.

Question for you then, since you have “depression and Anxiety”. Do you take any kind of medication for them and have you been to a psych?

Lexipro, Effexor, Paxil and something else I forgot. All addictive garbage. The only reason why I bothered with all those stupid fuckin meds is because my ex had a problem with my drinking. I’m also mildly bi-polar but the fact is there’s no excuse for being a selfish attention whore like this punk.

All you people do is pop pills. Fuck that. Do what the rest of the world has been doing for the past 5,000 years, spark up or tip one back.

The reason why smoking and drinking is deemed so bad is because the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t make any money off those drugs, they want you on THEIR drugs. Don’t give me any schpeel on how pharmies are better than any other drug because they’re WORSE. Have you ever tried to come off an anxiety med? You feel like you’re going to die FOR A WEEK. I bet junkies don’t fien that bad.

I’ll take a hangover over that bullshit any day and I can go weeks without a single drink, you can’t go a day without their crack.

“Well if he don’t know the difference, and it makes me feel better…what are we arguing about…”

hes gonna be in jail the rest of his life, getting his ass kicked. If I ran across this kid ever in life, i’d do my best to kill him and get away. promise. It actually kinda pisses me off i’d never get that chance, but oh well. He wont live to see 25 in prison.

Point proven:smash2:

Pot meet Kettle

First off, it’s almost guaranteed there will be some type of mental illness plea. Second it won’t be jail that he ends up in. Third he won’t end up doing 25, sure he will be tried as an adult. However they will more than likely pull out his YO/JO assuming this is his first offense.