Teen Killed Dad For Banning MySpace....

eat 10-20 beans a day, 7 days a week, for 6 months or so. you wanna die.

but you’re 10000000000% right. What the fuck do you think people did for thousands of years? smoked, drank, or stopped being a fucking pussy and took control of themselves.

sorry if you really believe you need pills to be “normal”, you’re a fucking idiot.

Unfortunately, most of the people on these meds come from middle to upper class families, most of which parents are so fucking stupid they really believe everything a Dr says, because thats how they were brought up. THEYRE A BUSINESS, DUHhh HELLOOOOOThe SAME idea as the people that are brought up and really believe fucking before marriage is like… impossible.

99.9% of medicine given to people that are “depressed” or w/e is a nice money making example of that. I’m the kind of guy that will tell you to shut the fuck up if you claim to be “depressed”. All that means is you’re a lazy faggot pussy bag that refuses to put in the effort to take control of his own mind. Yea its hard sometimes, especially for people in war, or people that lose someone close to them… but up until a few years ago, people have coped and gotten by just fine.

people that (edit)senselessly kill people are murderers, not “depressed”.

I’m not on those meds anymore bitch but the first person I’ll kill is you. Did you even read the fucking article? You don’t even know what you’re arguing about.

edit I just figured it out, you’re one of those emo-fag bitches you see on GaySpace that’s always complaining about how terrible your life is and that you want to die. Please. People who want to die don’t talk about it, THEY DO IT. People who talk about it are attention whores, like you.

fucking placebo.

you know what i forgot to add? I’m fucked up, we all know that. I have a reasonably legitimate reason to want to kill my dad, and I wouldnt. EVER.

i quit nyspeed it isnt even fun anymore. should be renamed to cornyfagspeed



How does this make me an attention whore? I’ve seen first hand people deal with depression including friends and family. I know that it isn’t something you can just “deal with”

Your going to kill me lol? That’s fantastic tough guy, nice to meet you=) We can hangout sometime if you want<3

FYI you will never hear my complain about my life, I guarantee my life is way better than yours and always will be.

Aww how cute, your life is better than mine. It probably is but who cares? That comment right there was enough to prove to me that you are exactly what I just described. Go cut your arm some more cry baby.

ur like one of the scrawniest kids ive ever seen lol

and who says they’re gonna kill someone on a public forum wtf

if afxtc dies, ever, you’re like… asking for it.

Gotta admit I laughed at that one, I actually have a pretty burly beard right now<3

Like I’m really gonna kill him, hahahaha

I said it because he accused me of being murderous without my medications.

dont worry i love u i just hate everyone.

Makes me emo because I enjoy life? My ex gf never told me I have a drinking problem, i’m not “bi-polar” and I don’t need to threaten people on the internet?


this is entertaining, keep going plz

See there you are, bragging about shit again. You are an attention whore.

anyone want some tuna casserole?

maybe u guys should exchange aim s/ns and handle it there so whoever gives in first and kills the other one, less evidence.

I know bro, just try and think about where i’m coming from on this. Depression is a disease just like any other. It’s not something that you can just snap your fingers and it’s gone. Ignorance especially isn’t going to make it go away or stop any of this shit from happening.

and i’m 204 now not so scrawny anymore<3

fucker. i cant gain weight after all the ecstasy i ate =( im like permanently physically fucked from it I think.

for real tho I have a HUGE pan of some bomb tuna casserole

i understand where ur comin from tho I really dont understand? if that makes sense to you… im seriously HUGE on people doing anything and everything they can to take control of themselves before turning to meds, and i seriously believe most (not all) of meds they give you for situations like that are mostly placebo healing. Who knows tho :gotme:


Why because you called me emo, told you me you going to kill me, and then proved you were a hypocrite?

No hard feelings here, just you have no idea what your talking about so decided to be a toughguy and jump on the bandwagon like everyone else.
“fuck this guy” blah…

I agree with you on doing everything you can before meds, I got in a few fights when I was in highschool. They sent me to a psych and then told me I have anxiety and manic depression as I sat there telling them I’m a happy kid. Apperently a few fights mean your going to turn into a serial killer :gotme: Rx’s are way over prescribed that’s for sure but they are there for a reason and that’s to help those that require them.

So in my case, no I don’t need meds and I ended up just fine. With some people they do need them and without them, it wouldn’t be safe to keep them in society.

If I wasn’t sitting in my hotel in Boston, i’d come have some tuna with you for sure ha.

Jump ON the bandwagon? I started this bandwagon. You really can’t read very well, can you?

God your retarded, so your the OP and your first post wasn’t #26?
Do you think before you type?

ps making it BOLD doesn’t make you any smarter
nope not even if you italicize or underline either <3

I love how you call me retarded and you still can’t spell ‘you’re.’ You also don’t make any sense, the bashing-you bandwagon was started by me.

YOUR<3 bashing me? how by proving yourself wrong?

How don’t I make sense, you have to elaborate on that one.
I posted my outlook on this, my views are fix it before it breaks. Your<3 views are i’m a tough guy let’s be tough like everyone else and from behind my computer i’ll tell you how tough I am and let’s beat this kid up and kill another person while your<3 at it.

BTW did I remind you that you think your a toughguy?