Teen Killed Dad For Banning MySpace....

Lexipro, Effexor, Paxil and something else I forgot. All addictive garbage. The only reason why I bothered with all those stupid fuckin meds is because my ex had a problem with my drinking. I’m also mildly bi-polar but the fact is there’s no excuse for being a selfish attention whore like this punk.

All you people do is pop pills. Fuck that. Do what the rest of the world has been doing for the past 5,000 years, spark up or tip one back.

The reason why smoking and drinking is deemed so bad is because the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t make any money off those drugs, they want you on THEIR drugs. Don’t give me any schpeel on how pharmies are better than any other drug because they’re WORSE. Have you ever tried to come off an anxiety med? You feel like you’re going to die FOR A WEEK. I bet junkies don’t fien that bad.

I’ll take a hangover over that bullshit any day and I can go weeks without a single drink, you can’t go a day without their crack.