Tell me what PSP games to buy.

I cant freakin decide. That new mega man game looks cool. I like action games mainly, whats good?

Madden 06 is pretty cool


I do not even own a PSP but I want to buy Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (the one you are talking about)

Figures you would like that one. :touchy: :uhh: :gay2: :mamoru: :sexwithsheep:

GTA Liberty City Stories
Hot Shots Golf
Lumines (if you want to be totally addicted)

OMFG I didn’t think that I was going to buy lumines because I couldn’t see spending 30 or 40 bux on a block game… but man was I wrong!!!1111 one one… Sometimes when I’m going to sleep I think about how to clear blocks. Thank god that there’s no play counter for how long you have played it becuase I think I would be depressed on how much time I"ve spent playing.

Gta… another good pic
Socom is a good game too.

hmm thanks guys i think i will check out lumines online and see what it looks like.

how is the metal gear solid for psp? I am into those kinda games, any other suggestions?

MSG Acid is not like the other MSG games.

Go to and check out some videos of it. Its more like a board game/puzzle game than an action game like the other Metal Gear Solids.

Lumines is sweet

EDIT Why can’t I create a new thread?

Got mega man last night, its sweet! Classic megaman side scroller style with sweet graphics :slight_smile:

Couldnt find MGS anywhere. hmm ill have to lok around online.

Lumines lookes like tetris? Whats so good about it?

Honestly, I don’t know. I never played it, but everyone who has says that its crack-like. Perhaps I’ll pick it up this weekend.

Another cool looking puzzle game is Mercury. I heard it was hard, but it looks really cool.

Lumines is more than Tetris in my opinion. You have to play it to understand… trust me… you’ll more than likely love it! :tup:

hmm alrightey then.

i still need one more action game where shit is blowing up everywhere :smiley:

Burnout is really good. If you played Burnout 3 for PS2 or Xbox, its almost exactly the same.

Alright i guess i will pick that one up jay, but if it sucks, its your ass :ohnoes:

oh and mega man is sweet, but fucking hard. you need to beat the fire dude to beat the ice dude, etc etc but i cant beat anyone to get a decent freaking weapon :mad:

Lumines is NOT tetris… the similarities… you have blocks, there is music and you rotate blocks… that’s it. In lumines you use blocks of 4 with different colors to make blocks of 4 colors to clear… any other 2 consecutive blocks touching the 4 blocks also get cleared. THere are also special (jeweled) blocks that when you use it to clear it will clear any similarly colored block in contact (Indirectly through blocks of the same color).
My only problem with racing games for the psp… no pressure sensitive buttons… I use that a LOT when racing to regulate corner speed etc.

Lumines may not be tetris… but it is better than Tetris IMHO

oh, I def agree it’s better than tetris.

gran turismo comes out soon