Tennis Anyone? Pt II

i think it was the shirt that threw ya off… deff not a proper tennis shirt

You talkin about Celtic’s gear?

Yeah you shoulda seen the other people there… Tennis whites, headbands, the whole nine. And I don’t think they were doing a ton better than we were (which is sad)…

Compared to that, we looked like the court maintenance crew coming in to sneak a few rallies… For real…

lol…i saw justin before he left… and just shook my head

That shirt was a gift from the Hana man! Show some respect :slight_smile:
Always a pleasure to get out there and play! Hopefully this rain stops and we can get a couple more games in tomorrow. Maybe I’ll let ya win a set! :open_mouth: haha, jk jk

I can’t play… but I can paint your court