Thhhaattttsss my ninnja!


bummmp this bitch up

i think after 2 months of bumps you’re no longer TESTING WATERS eh? Lol

yeah i guess not lol. its evolved into a " if i can get what i want for it and sell it before summer than i will" thread, if not im going to start modding this thing with the list of stuff i want to do

bump back up for sale

bummping this back up for shits and giggles, after some asshole put a porsche idea in my head

Be a leader not a follower.


i could care less about what anyone thinks or has. i have wanted to car into the p car game since i was 10 when i saw my first 964. having said that it was had to imagine id have the chance especially at my age to obtain one, if it happens then it happens, if not i will continue to kill the e46 m game as a ‘leader’ like i have been :slight_smile:

lol thanks for the convo buddy, set my mindset straight

What’s the current price at /miles

current price is whats listed that was adjusted, miles are around the same too. didnt drive it for a total of 7 weeks this summer spread out

Man, everyone’s buying porsches these days…

Which one are you looking at?

im looking at something no one to my knowledge on here has bought yet, but well see. a lot of factors involved before ill pull the trigger. including selling this

looking to make moves now that the audi is basically sold, $18,000 without wheels, status seats and exhaust!!!

do you have soundclips of this exhaust?

See filthy habits page



None of those