Testing waters... Fluid power design engineer

Like the title says I am testing the waters, it is probably a super long-shot on here.
I will need to replace a long time design engineer in the coming months. He is retiring after many years of working directly with our distributors and customers designing pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders.

I can only think of a couple people on here I would consider hiring but I certainly don’t know everyone on here. Maybe you know someone who is not on here but may be qualified and you could pass this along to them.

The salary would vary immensely depending on education and experience. I hate to even post numbers because then every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks they deserve $80,000. We are a small company so going north of that would be very difficult unless you convinced me you could double my sales. :slight_smile: I am always looking to diversify.


I can’t seem.to pry myself away from the joys of business ownership. GLWH.

Is that sarcasm? :slight_smile:

Didn’t want to clutter up Newman’s thread but I am a recent college graduate from UB with a BA in mechanical engineering. The only thing is I don’t have any experience :frowning: if your still interested I’m willing to talk more about the job.

I am really looking for someone with real world experience too. I have hired “new” engineers in the past that don’t know what the difference is between a socket head cap screw and flat head machine screw. I made the mistake of assuming an engineer would know the difference but I was quickly told these things are not learned in school.

Good luck with the job search!

hes also the only guy in the world with a BA degree in mechanical engineering lol.

This is what UB is turning out as Engineers?


What would you pay me and can I use the shop for personal projects? :smiley:

1 Krugerrand per week and yes as long as you help me design my personal projects. :slight_smile:

I would assume that someone in the fluid power industry would know the difference between tube and pipe:


You scare me.

Hey just because he called out the ID instead of the OD doesn’t mean it’s pipe.

You should read the first post. He was asking for tube, which is specified by OD, and then he was offered a product in the 2nd post that was measured by ID.

I did read the post. He said he had tube and he knew what the ID was. I know for a fact I have some mech tube with a 1" ID across the street but I don’t know what the OD is… I’m not going to say… yeah, I have some but I can’t tell you anything else about it because I don’t know the OD.

All I know if I order 100 feet of 1.5 x .095 DOM steel tube, pay $400, and I end up trying to cram it (1.69" is that even a size?) in a 1.5" die I am going to be confused and pissed.

On the other hand; If I have a “new” engineer, and they don’t know the difference between flat head and socket cap head machine head screw is, I will take 2 minutes grab some out of a store room and train them.

Some people just have far too much time on their hands.

Two heads are better than one.

Damn you got me :ham: I should have read over my post lol.

there are so many people that are “engineers” who think they know everything that i talk to and i wonder WTF did they learn. i havent had half the classes they do as im part time for school and i have a better understanding of how to properly design the shit when they have no idea. real world experience is huge. degrees are given way too much credit these days. last year i was checking out the baja buggy the guys at buff state built, that chassis was definitely a piss poor design. those money making machines that are supposed to “teach” arent doing a good enough job with “teaching”.

goodluck with the search. unfortuneatly i deal with a different type of fuilds design…shit pipes and fire sprinklers.