I know bro.
Getting VM via text and email is amazing. Best invention ever. We never listen to VM, we just read and you can reply directly via google voice. Fuck actually listening to messages. Also do not need to have your phone handy to check VM or Text, as google voice is available over the webz.
This, Google Voice is the best voicemail ever. Transcribes are amazing, while sometimes they are completely off in their transcription, usually its close enough that you can tell wtf is going on to see if it warrants actually listening to it.
And they can be hilarious when someone who speaks engrish calls.
Voice input text/text messages ftw. I hate voice mails. would rather log into my PC and check email than listen to a vmail.
I really prefer to text, seems like clients under 40 LOVE texting, while the older folks 50+ don’t use a computer.
Just left you a Voicemail… No but seriously i just did
Someone left me a voicemail once.
It was Yetti…aaaaaaand I ignored it.
lol so vlad still makes you homos post a thread a day?
I’m still mad about that
Hahahahahahahaha… Wait that’s not my car… Hey this guys a phony… HEY EVERYONE THIS GUYS A BIG FAT PHONY…