hey guys,
haven’t been on in awhile, trans am is running great but, i’m havin a tranny issue…
i’m hoping i don’t need a new tranny, but, who knows…
alright here’s what it does… in drive, speed increases, but wont shift outta 1st, and when it reaches ~45 mph (roughly 4700 rpm) it starts to slip…i’m not sure if that a fault in the tranny, or maybe an issue with the stall converter, or some vacuum piece on the tranny that regulates when the tranny shifts…
i was told by someone that there is a part on the tranny that runs off vacuum the helps/tells the tranny shift…if anyone knows the name of that part i’d be 20bucks away from fixing it, or i’d need to get a new tranny…either way, i’d like someone to point me in the right direction…
thanks for any kinda help i can get