Thank you slowmarrow88.

kiss my shoe and ill let it go lol

whutcha thinkin lance? 40 weight? 50 weight?

Fair deal ^.

John, ill pm you the kit i got.

ya dont get the joke dude , only the people at the lot the night i said that will :lol

gotcha…so u accept my appology?

i guess , ya gotta inderstand man . im old school , if ya make a deal wit someone ya keep it . if ya dont im done , but nowadays it aint like that and ya just gotta deal with it

understood…old school

John gives me unconditional love. A lot.

surprised it took you all this long to figure out who this was.

#1) john lies like a fuckin rug. hardly a dishwasher but hey whatever helps you sleep at night princess.

#2) you’ve got to be fucking kidding me at trying to start a fight walking into my work. are you truly that fucking retarded?

#3) hope u enjoyed ur pizza :wink:


What a boner that kid is.

hey man we never met. you can read and listen to alot of what is spewed around on here about me. it doesnt bother me any. only reason im even here is to keep a heads up on whos got what car and how most people are doin. no ill will on my end towards most. some people (like john) just need to learn when to grow the fuck up.

have a good night people.

wasnt for me , i just went there to see if ya had the nut to say anything . of course ya didnt . your own boss and coworkers hate u or are they lying to ? trust me trav 1 day reality will hit u so hard your yellow teeth will fall out of your head . oh and how is the bike rife into work ? y a gotta be lovin pedaling that thing so far :thumbup

i need to grow up ??? u ride a bike to work and flap your trap at work . sayin ya broke your hand punchin someone in the face lolol , dont worry holme knows the truth now . right along with how your s.t.i really blew up and so on .

your gonna love it for the next few weeks there pal , trust me lololol . your best bet is to just tough it out till ya can get unemployment lolol .

:rofl :rofl I can’t believe he’s back. Perfection. I was upset I missed his first episode here.

dont care if they like me or not. im there to work and make money, not make friends. reality HAS hit me john. thats why i stopped hanging out with you. as far as saying something, i was WORKING. you know, serving customers their food. im not about to drop what im doing and start throwing punches. as far as riding a bike, its called responsibility. i have a job and im going to get there ON TIME by any means necessary. but hey, keep thinking ur such a big badass that everyone is afraid of. you’re forgetting ive seen you run out of advance auto crying like a little girl because gary fired you. theft wasnt it? its cool though. when i grow up i want to be a convicted felon just like you john. gives me a goal to reach towards.

ummmmm no trav , i quit adv auto to work for joes cycle repair . u got fired for theft of some a.p.c shit for your neon back in the day . nice try though .

apc FTW