yesss i am a convicted fellon so what , i still have a full time job , 2 kids , my own place , a couple cars and so on … please tell me where im not doin suttin better than u ? as u live with mom , have no car or friends and have fucked anyone that came in comtact with u . even mcfluffy hates u , how the fuck do ya pull that one off lolol
HAHAHAHA wow you talk so much shit. AND you’re wrong as usual. i dont know how people havent seen through your web of lies yet. you talk such a big game john…just wait til the gloves come off. i can throw all kinds of info out there about you if i REALLY wanted to. not that the fire bit wasnt enough already…
welll trav lets see , most on here no that im straight up . have left there cars or other shit in my possesion for days /weeks on end with not 1 problem . know that i work and do the shit i need to so it is what it is .
well… lets see here.
i dont have a felony arrest record… thats definitely something in my favor. i hold down a full time job. im saving for a car that i want, i pay for everything i have… but possessions are not the sum of ones self. just because you have more materialistic items than me does not make u better than me. it makes u more shallow. ive got a good relationship with my family and the friends i chose to keep around. i dont envy you in the least.
good for u , ya want a cookie for yourself .
all that means is people are trusting you with repairing their cars and very little else. john you’re a good mechanic. im not taking that away from you. but your ethics and thought processes are skewed greatly when it comes to a rational train of thought. did you HONESTLY think i was going to start a fight in my fuckin work?! come on… common sense man…
epic travis is epic. youre so worthless man.
but the comedy factor is great
miss you too brett.:thumbup
A joke is made at your expense here at least once a week. He has a family and his own apartment. He DIDN’T hide when he came to get that pizza (which you insinuated you fucked with, siqq move, BRAH), he didn’t burn down his car, his wheels aren’t pink.
I don’t know you in person, and judging from your posts I don’t really want to. All I’m saying is, on paper, you’re losing.
ya know what , i wasnt gonna hit ya . i wanted to see if ya had the balls to say ANYTHING and ya didnt . your boss knew i wasnt gonna thats why he said go in the room wheni did and so on , how do ya think i know yor schedule , what ya ride to work and so on . your boss and coworkers hate ya and your gonna get fired lolol . he told me when to come back so i could beat ya ass , but ya know what i didnt . ya know why , cause i have 2 kids i have to take care of . i walked insted of sittin in another jail cell
I <3 Travis Krotch
Are the wheels on your bicycle pink too?
he can have his family. im not ready for that yet. by all means if that makes him better… thumbs fucking up. i HAD my own place in NH until i broke up with my ex and moved back to NY. no big deal. i didnt incinuate anything about fucking with his pizza. said i hoped he enjoyed it. the more people that like our food keeps them comming back to pay my bills. by all means keep screwing with me and ordering food from there. ur $ hits my back pocket. :lol. i didnt burn down my car. john was driving and it caught fire from a oil leak of some sort. was undetermined as far as i know. i didnt HIDE either btw. i was serving people their food and went to get their dinners to bring to them. but hey by all means if he thinks i hid… whatever hels him sleep at night.
:rofl :rofl
then why did your boss laugh and say u were hiding ? lolol there was 2 guys in there eating a sandwich hardly a pressing day .
you know my schedule because ur friends with jared halme. and its not that hard to figure out. its been the same since august when i started. but kudos for finding it out. if, infact, you did. look i donk give 2 shits about your existance on this earth. lets leave it that way.
Where do you work so i can tell EVERY person i know to not eat there?
im fine with u not sayin or doin anything about me , trust me its easier that way . your the one popping up and sayin dumb shit to me . not the other way around . lets just leave it as stay out of my way and whats im doin and ya wont have a situation . get it my way or anything else and ya will
ferreties pizza at exit 10 . at the corner of 9 and ushers rd
Thank you John.
no problem sir lol :thumbup