Thank you slowmarrow88.

at least travis isn’t a dirty scumbag or anything…

oh wait :rofl

Really Travis?

REALLY Travis?

i was thinking the same thing man lolol , i think its age kicking in but i really dont care what he says anymore . if this was 3 yrs ago he would be eating thru a straw at this point in time and when he healed up from said beating id do it again lolol . that and i know damn well that if i hit him id be in cuffs again just cause he got smacked for runnin his mouth

I like jon. First time he ever texted me, it was a picture of is sack.

ever since then, we walk hand in hand.

i luv you slow-mister-marro

HAHA… Damn Jon, I gave you KK’s number cause you sounded concerned about the theft… i didnt know it was to spread porn :lol

lololol , it seemed like a nice way to make him smile.

thats a good attitude… not worth going to jail for that piece of shit

you all have been entangled in his web of deceit and lies. hope it works out for the rest of you. just for what its worth dont loan john any money. he wont pay you back.

hahaha soooo did you ever pay back the bank that loaned you the money for your carbecue?

car has been paid for in full. next question?

I reallllly doubt it… would love to see proof though

what are your feelings on the state of the union and the national debt?

Carbeque. :rofl

have you ever tried Crest Pro Health clean mint?

im thinking of switching from Arm & Hammer fresh mint to Crest Pro Health


  • concerned toothpaste fanatic.


first of all on the mnoney , after all the free work i did on the s.t.i , all the gas money i gave u , and a slew of other shit ya think i still owe u ? thats great i love it when we were ok ya say the debt is gone now that your broke and need money , a life and so on now its a concern again . besides mommy paid that card off anyway not u so there fore it aint your concern . but its ok trav , i already have had shit on the cuff from others in here and with not 1 problem , soooo its not like anyone in here is gonna trust anything u say lolol . i just love how ya resort to how i fucked u somehow lol thats great , yet im the one that needs to grow up and get a life worth living right ? id love to hear what someone tells ya that makes ya think your soooo good , cause its obv that person is high off there ass

john, the occasional tank of fuel and shit NEVER equalled 1500$ worth of audio equipment. you can try and explain that debt away all u want but fact of the matter is you owe me $ still. and free work on the STI? you MUST be shitting me. any work u ever did on that car was at the shop which i paid for, but hey whatever helps you sleep at night. i never ONCE said you were free and clear of debt with me… but pfft some people tend to remember things differently i guess.

as far as the toothpaste comments, i prefer sensodyne whitening brett. thanks for your concern.

state of the union and national debt… ill let you check fox news for those answers.

as far as the car note goes… feel free to stop by and ill show u the letter saying the loan has been paid…

so glad i could stop by to answer all your questions.


oh man… you are such a dope

life isnt a popularity contest. i have surrounded myself with the people i trust and have jettisoned the rest of the “excess baggage” as it were. im so glad that after me being gone from here for months you all still find the need to talk about me on almost a daily basis. its quite humorous in that normally if you hate something so much then you ignore it and leave it alone but you guys just cant seem to stop. im thinking there might be some that are envious or just hopping on that love to hate bandwagon that shift is known for oh so very much. hey whatever im flattered. have a nice one.

envious ??? lololol thats great i havent laughed that hard in yrs . 1500 evn funnier as a matter of fact i was just goin thru some old shit and i found the slip from that night 872 bucks sooooo try again asshole lol . toothpaste , ya need the whitening dude but ya need the unconcentraded version , ya know the one they make the over the counter shit from as your shit is so yellow plants grow towards it . ya always paid for shit done on the s.t.i right ??? so ya paid me to install 2 o2 sensors every oil change , inspection a 300 dollar clutch install with machining of the flywheel . come on dude your high as hell off your own breath