Thanks Albany Speed Shop

About a week ago my bro and I put some suspension into my BMW. My bro pulled a he-man move and sheared a bolt head from a bolt holding the strut to the front spindle.

I call ASS at 8:30 am the next morning and they seem eager to work on the car. I get in at 12 pm for the appointment and within 15 minutes the car is in the air and Darryl himself is taking control. My car is not the lowest but still was low for the lift. Darryl obviously has done this a ton of times as he carefully drove it up on blocks and got the 3er up there.

Within 5 minutes the tie rod was off and the guys were checking around to see what size drill bit should be used to make the hole.

A pilot was used to mark the start point and a few whirs later, there was a nice hole in the leftover bolt material.

Bolt removed with reverse thread bit, no threads damaged on knuckle FTW!

Instead of getting cussed at for the bonehead move in the first place, I was being treated like the only customer there as I watched the crew. Next thing I knew it was time to apply heat and expand the hole so the reverse threaded bit could work the magic…

Soon enough the sorry bolt fragment was out and the new one was in place.

Old fragment:

Tie rod end was assembled, wheel put on, and the car was done in about 40 minutes. First repair I have ever had done during my lunch hour. And here I was wondering how to get a ride in case I needed to get back to the office.

The expedited repair and quick turnaround was appreciated- now that my suspension is tight and my new wheels and tires are on the car, an aligment at this can-do quality operation will be scheduled soon.

Thanks DC and crew for the upbeat attitude and very fair rates. Keep it up and you’ll see a lot of growth! I will definitely be back!


ASS did a similar surgery to my header with great success!

good stuff archie !

This place sounds great so far… they do everything car related?

im not sure if they work on overpriced toyotas… :ohnoes

I think they can handle just about anything

Yep we can fix that too… I’ll fix anything…

You love it and its broken, we love it and fix it!!

Smile…and thanks for the reviews. I appreciate the kind words.

DC :beer

Darryl- Cool thanks for the help man! I am at a job site right now but will get the 3 to you soon for the much needed alignment.

I’ve got the height set where I want it and have decided on the alignment specs. Just getting one issue with one wheel straightened out and then I’ll give you a guys a ring a couple days before I can come in. :thumb

im about to be on my way over…do i have to call ahead or can i just drop in?

If Archie is happy… thats one heck of a recommendation.

Good to keep hearing positive things about you guys and your upbeat friendly attitude. Hopefully if you guys take off and get a lot more buisness you don’t turn into a bunch of dickwads :lol

They’re only nice because they haven’t had to work on any of my Civics yet. :lol Just kidding. But not really.

Dickwad? :banghead

Will never happen…unless your become a dickwad or have some to big for your britches attitude…

This is who we are…this is NOT some front…

I do appreciate your honest comment though…really!

But dont worry…a dickwad we are not…fast as fast can be…we are!!


I’m pretty confident they will uphold a good reputation, its obvious to see that because the clients they provide service to aren’t really any different then themselves, they share the same passion really…

Going to them this Thursday due to OsoiNA6’s recommendation. :ahh

Hey mike

I got your pm and we have some work to do!! I can’t wait. Looks like some fun! I will respond to the pm soon. On the road to monster trucks with kids. But Thursday is fine.

I’ll be in touch.


Hey mike,
this is harold,Darryl wanted me to send you a note,if you have time we are all set for thursday,if that works,and if you have a chance give me a call(518)862-2795.i will get a little info from you ,will make it faster when you arrive on thursday.

Pics added. They are pretty bad quality but you can see what happened.

where are the pics bud?


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