Thanks for coming guys, out of control as usual

Would rep if I could.

If we ended up at that bar… there would most definitely be a fight.

And I guess my OP represents my typing skills after ~17(ish) beers in a little over 6 hours, lol. I was not keeping count but I had about 9 from 830ish to midnight, and whatever at the bar.

I’m down! The thing that sucks is I’m kinda in the same boat as you. I can’t really be getting into to fights n stuff, don’t want to risk losing my job.

But, I mean… I’ll swing on a cracka’ if I have to.

You’d be fine, I know how to avoid them, I’ve been doing it since I first set foot in that place:rofl

Its been a while since Ive seen a good bar fight. The ones my friend’s wife starts dont count.

Im really not much of a fighter myself though and tend not to start trouble. Im a happy drunk most of the time.

Paul… I could see you destroying people like the hulk

Ive never done that before.

Doesn’t mean you couldn’t.

well I suppose its possible but I dont see myself being much of a fighter

I could definitely see paul caving someones face in.

Im really not a violent person though.

:rofl i get into bar fights occasionally and i still have a job

Let’s plan something soon, I would love to choke a few scumbags out.

I’ll only go if we make a detour to Mineville lol.

what the FUCK is mineville?

It’s right next to FarmVille.

im down for a bar crawl for sure! i totally missed this thread

Pretty sure you weren’t invited

doesnt matter

Invite only.