Thanks for coming guys, out of control as usual

Do you think we walked into that bar looking to be violent and cause trouble?

We were all minding our own business, it wasnt the best crowd out and we were just trying to make the best of what we could… Aside from hanging out with my friends, another main reason I go to bars is to pick up bitches… One of the very few attractive girls was standing in front of me so I think I said “hey, whats up” and apparently that translated to the guy standing next to her “fuckyoufaggotmotherfuckeriwannabeatyourass” because within 5 minutes I had 6 guys wanting to fight me…

Bouncer kept trying to break it up, but I knew no matter what I wasnt leaving without fighting so I asked the kid if he was ready, he said yes and I proceeded to goldberg his ass. lol

laughing so hard right now :rofl




same here LOL

honestly it was cool but probably woulda had more fun out in toga, the lack of girls was just aggravating

dave plowed down the whole line of people at the bar, it was unreal to see

thats all.

and for the record i dont keep myself busy by “partying” this is the first time in a long time i went to a bar im actually legit busy these days

“dave plowed down the whole line of people at the bar, it was unreal to see”


not what I meant but I know you have a temper and sometimes get on the other side of the law, just from what Ive read/heard from you. I usually dont get like that.

Its sometimes just the situations we put/dont put ourselves in.

I havent been in a real fight since 9th grade in high school and I graduated in 99

Dave was threatened… he reacted, end of story.

Same way i would have reacted.