thanks for the kind words

Classic. Plus rep for you.

Fuck, gotta wait 24 hours.

I am not choosing sides there AT FUCKING ALL so dont get on my shit for this reply.

Originally Posted by 08silveRADoman
keep em coming brett im going for a record…can’t wait to see yah at the lot brahh…someday dude… someday…why dont u get back crankin in the navy you little bitch…i hear they need little boys for the deployments to keep the officers happy

bretts reply:
i guess Serving the country is something to be ashamed of, or made fun of for. you sir are a worthless pile of trash

more from the class act

Originally Posted by 08silveRADoman
not gonna say im gonna do anything so u can ban me???..not knockin yah for serving our country i just think you did such a wonderful job that you should have stayed a full 20…if you actually knew me and not the just the asshole in front of this computer screen u figure out that im actually a nice guy,that being said…either u can leave me the fuck alone or you can continue to be a “tough guy” and neg rep me and give me a hard time…either way its kewl…just know karma is a bitch…just sayin

The first bold comment from radoman was 90% a nutt slap to brett, and the only thing I can see that was directed towars the service is “they need little boys for the deployments to keep the officers happy”. Which doesnt really carry any weight if it was used to bust their balls anyway.

The second bold comment from radoman it seems was him stating that he doesnt have anything against someone serving the country, and just finished it off with a little jab back at brett for not still being in the service.

My opinion is they are both busting eachothers balls, and it seems like everyone saying Radoman is a piece of shit is jumping to conclusions and putting more words in his mouth. AGAIN FOR THE RATARDED MEMBERS ON HERE I WILL RESTATE “I am not choosing sides there AT FUCKING ALL so dont get on my shit for this reply.”

Also for the record, I am greatfull for the efforts that the troops do what i dont have the balls or the gut to do myself. My family has members that were in the service, lots of my best friends are/were in the service. 100% respect to them.

Hey. Pipe down :lmao

his PM wasnt necessary. and clearly he was trying to create an issue.

his 2nd PM, was him back pedaling on his 1st PM. its ok that hes your boy, and you always side against me, its fine. im not asking for yours, or anyone elses’ approval.

he hasnt served, and never will, he hasnt EARNED THE RIGHT TO BUST A MILITARY MEMBERS BALLS. its one thing when its cross branch and a marine and a solider bust eachothers balls, because in the end, we were all doing the same thing. its comraderie. his PM to me, isnt of friendly terms. he doesnt know me and has no ground to talk about me.

im not angry i just like posting what this chode has to say out of the public eye… if he wants to run his mouth he can strap on a helmet and a flack vest and pick up a goddamn m-16 and head over to where 91teg is and see how he fares. because i bet he doesnt even pass the PFA in bootcamp!

radoman is a herb reguardless of this , he is a lurker that runs his mouth to everyone .

im waiting for what is in store for me… Karma he says.

i think the only thing hes capable of is getting sloshed on coors light and driving home and hurting someone that way. because he clearly has no balls.

Sry, just some kk-2cents:hug

If that was towards me, hes not my boy at all. Never met him, never pm-d eachother, infact never really commented or replied to him on here. I was only commenting on how everyone jumps on the bandwaggens and shoots in the direction of the the first shots fired.

its ant no big thang to me. just sayin what i think. :thumbup

maybe so, but every herb should have some sort of rights imo. I ant the judge, I am just on the jury. :vlad

jury of your peers. see, hes your boy. i knew it :lol

I is lost with that reply. rofl. backing away slowly as not to look stupid. :ninja

Why is it that when anyone has an issue with Brett he posts it publicly and it becomes a major issue for the whole of shift? Yes, the comments were unneeded and moronic but it was between Brett and Silverado in a PM, not posted for the whole of shift to see. Deal with your issues and leave them at that, YOUR issues.

nah i think its good for people to see. him and i arent friends and never have been so his “ball busting” about my military background and choice to move away from active duty isnt something that should ever be brought up between him and i, especially in that manner. sometimes people need to see what a person is really about, other than the obvious.

and if this thread bothers you, dont post in it, its simple man. real simple

Don’t come in here and try to ruin the fun or i’ll neg rep you sir.

Just curious as to why any time you have any issue with anyone on here its suddenly a topic for everyone to see and become involved in, yet when someone posts something negative about you publicly, like that picture you so hated being posted for instance, its very quickly deleted and the person taken care of accordingly.

:lol Alright, alright I’ll leave.

Thats a very good point brett, well put. :thumbup It is one thing for someone to bust on someone or whatever you want to call it, when the recipient has made the topic of the ball busting “Shift 518 publicly known” and they are not mutual acquaintances (only interwebs friends <loose term). If they are friends outside of shift it is much different. good friends can bust balls and not push buttons the wrong way, and will know how to bring it to the internet fourms in a mature way.

Simple example.

Falvis posts pics of his car laying on the brake rotors while he has painting his wheels. It was a LOL moment thats for sure. complete strangers can bust on him for it and its “ok”.

If I were to call out someone on here that I dont know outside of shift about a personal thing that I “found out” wither it be hearsay or can be proven… thats just childish and immature, so they better be prepared for a lashing.

If a friend outside of shift posts something that offends you or is over the line, then re-consider your friends.

simple as that I think.

Brett is a mod. If he likes to use his abilities, thats his deal. Some of us dont see it the same as he does, and we voice our opinions when they need to be. Sure it could be an expression of “screw you look what I can do and you cant” but if you take it that way to heart and let it ruin your day, sorry to hear that. Myself and Brett haven’t been on the best of terms at times on here, and I have yet to meet him personally, but both of us chilled out quite a bit I think and dont let our differences piss each other off for more than a few hours or days! lol.

I feel like I was just speaking at an "Internet Anonymous " meeting! :rofl

:rofl:rofl Oh its great.

KK, what are you doing kissing up on Brett all the sudden? You were just telling me yesterday at your house how much of a douche bag the kid was… How he thinks he knows everything, is an asshole, piece of shit and whatever other insults you tossed out there that I’ve forgot.

I love how other moderators are now calling you out. Why even make this thread? You’re clearly cryassin about it dude… get over it. Its just shift… if you can’t handle it, you need to get out.

its getting blown out of the water like a white guy saying “*****” around some black people he wasn’t talking to…

let it go

holy freakin e-thuggin up in this mofo

Rubino in with the 1-2 punch :lol