thanks for the kind words

And seriously, I think everyone has had a bloody vag all week. I havent seen this amount of female-ish type raging in awhile :lmao

im fine , i was in great spirits tonight lololol . till that eclipse kid tried to cut me off

Haha I thought we were gonna have rd2 tonight. I was waiting for him to cream ya

it woukdnt of went well i know that


lolololol thats great red

ryan your killing me tonight


:rofl +rep when i can

hahaha red… hilarious +rep

Im still lol’ing when I scroll down and see that :lol

i look old as hell man

i vote slowmarro grows a beard like that

then you two will be the beard brothers

Dude, as soon as Adam said “Round 2” I knew. John = EBM. And I remembered that scowl from that picture. Twas meant to be.

:rofl true that…im afraid im gonna break my razor now lol

Okay OT even though there really was never a topic: I actually got a haircut and shaved today, I cannot join said club. :lol