Thanks / Karma / Reputation?

Fortunately I don’t need those green dots to help me distinguish an idiot from an intellectual :slight_smile: The noobs on the otherhand, may be mislead.

lol green dots

lol ^

so uh… how do you leave karma for people? I only have the option to leave karma for myself?

thks sknk :tup: lol

That’s because you are of the latter. There are a few around here who are under the category of the former.

wait till i nuke your lovely land of green boxes with my mouse.

People with more karma have more powerful karma “votes”, iirc.

IOW: Someone with 4 green boxes leaving karma will have an effect of XX
While someone with 1 green box will have an effect of X


Wow. Shit’s complicated.

can you get red dots?

Still no scales for me. God I blow.

And yes you can…


I see nothing

Hey man, thanks for the compliment.


I lol’d

lol i just saw/seen the red dot :lol:

lol at JEG being smart


See how that works folks?

Now about that FGGT button?

:frowning: i see no scale

edit: see it, only under my name

it is one in the same… watch

Damn it, I can only see it on my own name.

i got no buttons