The 2 slit quantum physics phenomona

I found it to be entertaining and interesting.

Bah, I really want to hear what is being said. Silly work computer, this actaully seems nerdish enough for me to pay attention for at least a few seconds.



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shit i cant find it… daym hang on

sorry howie… your still stupid… but i saw it earlier this week linked from a snky site… and it wasnt ubrf for those wondering.

:tup that video though… very well done

Rent the movie where this came from… What the Bleep Do We Know

Am I the only one who thinks of lesbian porn when the phrase “2 slits” is uttered?

Honestly thats pretty goddamn cool… i wanna see that whole movie.

wikopedia says

The film uses quantum physics as a medium to pass off their ideas as fact, despite the fact that all of their ideas contradict with evidence provided by real scientists. The “scientists” in this movie provide evidence from experiments that were carried out improperly or without any grasp of error propagation, thus making their results poor

i am inclined to belive that the experiment show in that video was flawed, unless anyone can find information that it happened, and thatthe results were varified by a second laboratory

seems neato.

Constructive and Destructive Interference.

Light Patterns Do The Exact Same Thing…

My girlfriend rented the movie that it is from. It is the most horrible movie - using science as a guise to justify psycological phenomenon. After watching the movie, she claimed to understand what quantum physics is all about. I was able to watch about 5 minutes of it before it pissed me off. Talking about why people make the decisions that we make, and how it effects the rest of the world around us - which has nothing to do with what I recall quatum physics being about when I took it in college.

^^^ apparently the movie mntions that “native americans were unable to see columbus’s ships” ???

wtf is that ???

unpossible… if its a clear day, your not blind, its not to far away and your looking in the right direction, youll be able to see it

sounds like this movie takes that stance that nothing is real, its all just in our heads. based on their explination one wikapedia, it sounds like they claim the “meditation to lower violence” as a factual thing

try this them, place a paperclip on a table in a locked room, get a million people to meditate on moving it 1" due north … spend a year meditating on it … its not gonna fuckin move …

Another brain fucker-upper

You are right, but because you watched it before (observed it), it no longer exists. Nor do I have any recollection of making this post.