The 5 year theory. Does it apply to you?

“The last check you ever write should be to your undertaker, and it should bounce.”
-My friend Shawn who owns an E46M race car, new E92 M3, and a 996 GT3 lol.

The only thing I wish I could go back and change is my job choices also not gaining weight weighed 260 at 20 now 330 at 25 FML

Any god damn idiot can make it through 2 or 4 years of college. If you don’t have what it takes to make yourself stand out from the competition (which keeps growing every year) then yes, it is going to be a waste of money. Plenty of students explore different fields of study through classes and/or internships and work in order to find out what their interests truly are. You’re not just supposed to pick something because it sounded cool when you were a senior in high school and then rush to the finish…

You’re killing me, Pauls.

well Ive always liked cars and thought working on them was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I apparently was wrong because thats not what I want to do.

It wasnt a split second decision to go to school for that. I even did Votec in high school and loved it.

If you want to apply yourself you can survive without college.

i’d like to tell myself 5 years ago to stop fucking around in school. i know i’d be a much happier person now without those regrets. and shit i’m not even done with school yet.

i think people have stages in life in which they change. not a specific year

simply from a baby to a child to a kid to a teen to responsibile teen to a young adult to a wiser adult etc we could label with years but everyone is different. someone could reach one before another in my opnion.

you always have atleast 2 choices/paths ahead if you pick one its leads you down a different road than the other. so the choice you make must be wise and best for you at present time and the person ahead.

enviroment changes and different people can change things faster or slower depends on situation.

theory should be called coming of age. definition is a persons transition from child to adult. but theres a bit more steps in between

Yup I would beat my ass silly.

Wouldn’t have gone to Embry Riddle and gotten into so much debt, would also like to go back to 18 and told myself to wait a year so I didn’t pay out of state for school, then stay in state schools and get your Certs sooner while you got your degree.

It is what it is, but I agree with the 5 year theory.

By the way Florida schools are $1,000 a semester for Community College and about $1,500 a semester for state school.

i’ve always been pretty mature and headed toward the same goals. i was exactly the same person 5 years ago