Just a random conversation we had last night, What age do you think you should start considering a serious relationship and why?
mention all variations as far as school/career etc.
when your to deaf to hear your woman bitch, your at the perfect age to get serious …
- hahah… really, anywhere between 25-30.
relationships can be serious from any age imo. but if you’re talking about moving in together, children, stuff like that, then that doesn’t come until financial stability is reached on both ends. You can provide your kids with all the love in the world, but if you can’t afford the basic necessities for them, then that is no place for them to be.
I didn’t mean your typical “the the hottest girl in school so I Want you to be my gf” relationship. I meant when do you think it’s time to start settleing down, as far as “serious” meaning marriage potential.
my answer was possible if you were with a girl you thought was worth it, possibly engaged around 25ish.
(assume your financially stable when posting)
:word: I want to get married someday and have kids and shit, but not untill I have a decent job and im financialy stable. If there is anything to do right and NOT fuck up its raising kids and having a family. I won’t have kids till I’m married either. I know accedents happen, but as far as planning on having kids lol.
Age is simply a number. It has more to do with the right one. When it feels right, then you should be considering what you are.
I definatly want to be finacially stable before I get married, even more so if I want to have children.
obviously high school relationships aren’t serious…
and your first or second long relationship isn’t really serious either… my past longer relationships just helped me learn… you need to experience before you settle down… sometimes people turn out to be someone you didn’t even know to begin with…
but that’s the past now
Whenever YOU feel comfortable enough with yourself, who you are and the ideals in which a relationship carry. Age is only a number.
i think a good age is 26…
By then youve dated enough to know what you want, probably even fallen for that one. And also by then your out of college with a few years @ the job so you have good financial security, etc.
Of course I’m 22 and nowheres close to this. haha but yeah just my thoughts
I think its all dependant upon the person.
Me—>I spent alot of my life going out doing whatever i felt like doing an it just kinda got old. Then i met someone who made me feel like a new person again. I realized then that I can go through life single but it just wouldnt be as fun if i didnt have someone that i was able to share in everything with. So it been about 6 years now , We got married in june and hope to have kids soon and i think that its been the best years of my life so far. BTW im 25
But back to the ? Its all on the people, what you feel towards each other and your hopes dreams and ideas of family are. If you think that you can be together w/o being married great, If you do get married then great too,- just realize that the 2nd option costs 70% of what you own.
just broke up with my gf of 2 years last week… yea i feel a lot better now to be free… taking some time for myself and dont want to get tied down again for awhile
haha damn right
i <3 the maturity in this thread.
Its the internetz…dont take it so seriously
Its a sweet please to meet your future wifey anyway so I am all for it
I couldn’t have said it any better.
You can’t base it on age because everyone is different. Everyone matures at different rates.
when I was with my ex, I was 21 and she was 18, and some people (no names) were like “omg you are way to old to be seeing an 18 yr old, thats gross”…3-4 years isnt a big dea. now if I was like 32 instead of 22 right now and dated an 18 yr old…thats messed. lol.