Opinions on relationships


My ex-gf was 3 years younger than me when we dated now she is dating a guy 7 years older than me. So when she was in Kindergarden he was a freshman in high school. Thats fucked Up!!!

I’m 25 and have no plans of getting married anytime soon. Work barely leaves me with enough time for myself as it is.

Also, the emotional and financial effects of a failed marriage are far too great to be rushing into anything.


i def dont want to wait till im 30 to tie the knot or at least be engaged

by then all the good ones are taken

soo hook me up lol :lol:kidding

I think the right time is after you have a good career, after both of you have been together for a while and are financially stable. After both of you have been living together for a year or more. You’ll just know who the one is.

Christ, I look back at the myspace dates I went on, and stupid whores from college. I run into them from time to time, they are fucking trainwrecks, college dropouts, working full time at timmy hos, and smoking a ton of weed.

My girlfriend of about a year is one of the smartest people I’ve met, and just overall great. She makes deans list every semester for forensic psycology, and is going to be the fucking breadwinner.

That’s cool. too bad she’s ugly.

You can’t put rules to it. I’m marrying the first girl I ever dated for more than like 2 months. She was 18 when I met her, I was 19. I’m going to be 25 when we get married. There’s too many variables, like each individual, their past (which tends to heavily influence how people view romance), their current situations, etc.

However, good luck cultivating a healthy enough relationship to move towards marriage if other parts of your life are fucked up. (Money, about to enlist in the military when you meet, got a baby momma, you’re the type of person to wait in line for days for a new video game, etc)