The 5 year theory. Does it apply to you?

Me and a coworker got into a conversation which we ended up labeling a “5 year theory”

Theory goes that in 5 years of time we become an entirely new person and if we were to meet ourselves from 5 years ago we’d probably kick our own ass for making the decisions and choices we have.

So think of yourself and where you were 5 years ago, your friends, your style and your choices, do you still approve or you’ve changed entirely and would have gone a different way if you were to go back in time?


I think that it depends which decade of your life you are in. If you are in your Teens or 20’s, there might be a lot you hope to change. Once you get past your 30’s I think you pretty much have morphed in to the person that you become. Not saying you that you don’t or shouldn’t change as time goes by. But, I believe the changing slows down as you age.

I agree with the changing, as for the “5 year” theory, not so much, its different for each person as some take longer to realize the shit they did years ago was stupid. Its like how you get older and realize when you were a kid your parents were right all the time even though you would argue to no end that they weren’t. You grow up eventually and realize, damn now I get it.

That brings up another classic thought with which most of us agree with.

“If only I knew in Highschool what I know now” :ahh

I sometimes wish I still had the life I had 5 years ago. But the other times I’m great full of how I have it now. So I def would not kick my own ass, but maybe do a few small things differently

I don’t really agree with the whole people changing thing. In my opinion it’s more like your circumstances change. My life style is drastically different from 5 years ago, because I was single and in college and now I’m married and have a house. I’m still the same person now as I was then, same values and beliefs. However what I feel is appropriate behaviour is different.

Perfect topic to end with the typical shift518 “im right your wrong”.

i wish I had the body I had 5 years ago. That is all

I wish i had the money i had 5 years ago.

i was less of a scrougey old bastid 5 years ago… but that only makes me want to kick my young ass more!

In some aspects I wish I could go back and change things from 5 years ago like not blowing all the money I had and money I didnt have on a stupid car but I also look at myself being in much better shape and eating better than ever before so I wouldnt change that.

Five years isn’t enough. I need to re-live my 20’s again. FML…

Id love to go back and unfuck up my life from 18 on starting from going to college (wish i didnt) but thats not a possibility so live and learn I suppose

This, got off active duty at 180lbs, I now weigh in at 215.

Just curious, why do you say that? Maybe instead of not going at all, picking a different major?

waste of time and money. I went for 3 years, got two degrees I dont use and bought a ton of tools I never use.

I went for what I thought I wanted to do but ended up not wanting to do it. I dont know of another major I wouldve picked.

I am still the same cheap bastard since birth :rofl, but I am definitely in better shape than five years ago.

Anybody regrets going into the automotive scene or has it been the best waste of money due to experiences, friends, events and culture?

I know a few people who say they wish they never got into it, yet most of their friends without realizing it are from the auto community. :ponder

I have no regrets of the thousands of dollars I have spent over the years, it was a good experience and made some good friends, hell if I didn’t get into the scene I wouldn’t have met my wife since she is friends with Kyra (offroadzj wife). And I met Kenny and Kyra through the car scene.

I could’ve probably bought a house for cash if I didn’t spend what I spent on cars in the past 15 years. Do I regret it? Nope. I’ve met every person I’m good friends with through cars in some way. I took a short break now I have two cars again. It’s like a disease.

We all need a hobby and life’s too short to be miserable and count your money you’ll never spend.