The Annual "Who do you want for next season" Thread

na i stop at 120, drew will only race me from the roll he’ll pull me, why don’t you rag on your homeboy drewin cuz he does the same thing…

I will run anyone from a dig, 20, 40, 60, 90, 120 idc

thats the spirit my friend

cause ive been in your car for 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 mph roll ons and u pulled him. rear wheel drive digs are difficult, but fun cause slippn n sliding is what rwd is all about…

p.s. drew and i always rippp on eachother

I am a RWD, street tire, low gear, nitrous car in case you havent known. Unlike you, I need to worry about traction.

and stfu about only racing you from a roll I know I will win. If I recall, the first race we ever did was from a 40 roll and you beat me.

no it wasn’t, there was not ONE run you gave me my 20/40 with you spraying…

his one he gave you he was blowing tires off krammmmer can give u his word for that also

ohhh yea thats right thats right, my bad haha. you did give me the 40 and let out lol

Pete, are you illiterate??

this was a 20 roll…

and this was a 40…

ill get the evo a dig on the street

you talking about this one??

yah…cant tell in the video how bad it was but I get sideeewayssss ALOT and this nearly made me stain my leather.

reAd above quote, i was wrong

ok sounds good, im trying to find a set of rx7 FD wheels so i can get a set of hoosier QTP’s for next season

Shits heating up in here… Pete u goin Negro this winter?

i want to but idk if i’ll be able to, the turbo with the install kit is 2200… it would be pointless for me to do the fp black if i don’t do an evo8 4th gear… so ill prolly just end pushing the stock turbo as hard as it will go :confused:

but if i hustle a few snowblowers and make some quap i will do an fp black with an 8 4th etc etc

better get your hussle on, i wanna see this go down next year

HAHHAH, we can do it this season, why wait? Let’s do it at the end of next week, pending weather…

Let’s do it RIGHT NOW. As in meet me in an hour…


Good man!

lets do it on the cruise then so everyone can actually see you back up your KOTS claims.

i’ve seen him womp on his car. tires get hazy from a 40 on only 30psi :slight_smile: