The Apple Store

I’m in the Apple Store right now.


a hott girl just walked by and i was stairing at her ass and she caught me :confused

you fags

did ya holla at er?

One of the salesmen just went up to brian and started straddling him… were gettin the FUCK outta here and FAST :nuts

No. Did not happen. Ban.

  1. Go in Apple Store
  2. Load up a screen-sized pic of lesbian porn
  3. Exit store
  4. :ninja

I put the one imac or whatever it was on the tourettes guy as we walked away… lol

“BOB SAGET!” :lmao

I am sorry.

I was in there a little over an hour ago buying a new mouse :lol

Me and a buddy want to go in there one day and start asking technical questions. You know about the specifics of the OS and the hardware. Would be interesting to see what the ‘Geniuses’ really know about what they sell.

Get it on tape fo sho

ya i should go do that, ask a bunch of techy questions and see wat happens, and slip some trick questions in too :smiley:

i cant stand going in there, way too many gays

actually they have atleast one person in the store at all times who is sopposed to know all the “techy” answers, thats his only job, i forgot what shirt color he is but pretty much find the guy with the biggest pocket protector tape on his glasses and you’ll find your man

I noticed that when I went in and bought a new MacBook.

Had a gay guy selling me shit …all over the place.With there tight apple shirts :crackup

Yea, that is who I was referring to by ‘Genius.’ I’ll pit my 4 years of computer science against his 2 week training class any day of the week.

Your latte is up the escalator and to the left. Starbucks right outside of Best Buy ftmfw.

Thanks for not working yesterday. Was gunna get the storm. but nooooo, you just had to be not working.