White people suck with Mac's

Getting my headphones replaced from Apple and found this picture funny. There is no white people assisting at the Genius Bar. Only white people are getting help.


Thats Mac’s attempt to prove that they hire blacks and Asians. Everyone does that.

lol you need just one… but most of them stay in the back

Stop baiting me into these convo’s

sry… its just i know how they feal… im the only guy im my dept with 65 some bitches and im in the back

Do you work for Maxi Pad or something?

Victoria’s Secret if he was lucky!

wow boxxa where is your clan hood? you’re all about the racist shit today

edit: that and pretty sure the one on the left is asian. fail.

Back of the bus, all of you now!


He was probably about to FINALLY get laid, and got cockblocked by a black guy. Now he’s bitter^2.