Pittspeed.com on the Job

So Ive come to notice as Im sitting here at work that there are other people on at work as well so in that case… What does every one do for a living???

computer nerd

keyboard warrior

Me, too. I work at a “ones and zeros” factory.
This one: http://www.ansys.com/


Comp Geek… ansys pays my salary :bj:


I am a finance bitch :owned:

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

OLB tech

aka hot chick

Industrial / UPS Power Sales Rep for WoodHyrst Inc.

mechanical engineer


General manager(plus IT manager) of a Manufacturers rep company.

I keep the books for our self owned commercial flooring company.

Mostly a manager in IT, but I give presentations on the dangers of social networking sites, I stream events at our university over the net and a multitude of other things

Mortgage Title work. I do Title Clearance, Title Ops, and work with Appraisals.

Business Banker