The Baby Bird. Vid. LOLOL

for those of you who dont know, today on O&A in the morning was the annual egg nog drinking contest. who can take the most shots without puking…along with assorted “games”…

well…towards the end of the show, someone came up with the idea of the baby bird…


listening to it on the radio was quite funny on the ride to class this morning

WTF, i was eating and didnt expect that.

lol i heard this on the radio coming to work, it sounding like they were dyin of laughter, havent watched the vid though…

for pics…

sweet, both sites blocked at my work

OMG I was listening to that this morning. It was hilarious.

thats freakin gross lol

Haha, yeah I was like wtf I jsut tuned into a a bunch of laugher apparenly right after it happened. :lol:

I almost threw up hearing about the intern drinking the egg nog puke this morning.

Man, I hope the youtube video is better when it comes out.

edit: Here it is…

man i was listenin on O&A but I havent had a chance to watch the vid…it sounds hilarious though

NICE :tup:

O&A <3

shit made me dry heave this morning though lol

word! The eating puke is what put me over the edge.

lol and little jimmy didnt make it any better

“it’s like warm pudding with cold spots of fresh eggnog” :lol:

OMFG lololololol

I almost lost it driving to work when the dude was eat Froot Loops with the eggnog puke as milk.

was that on XM?

No, it was at about 7:45 this morning. It was that General Magoo guy or whatever his name was. He went out of the contest by puking in a juice pitcher. Then he poured it on his cereal and ate it. ugghhhhh

yea i listened to that this morning. my stomach turned just listening to them discribe it. now i just saw the videos… that is so disgusting. and what else is bad is the fact that the intern didnt puke after that.