who loves Egg Nog?

i am currently enjoying a nice big glass of egg nog. many people think im disgusting for liking this stuff. am i alone? who else loves this stuff.

http://www.seedbank.co.uk/extras/publications/i_love_it.jpg :slight_smile:

yeah its good, I thought nobody liked it except me. Another is fruit cake, a good holiday favorite, but nobody likes it but me.

People these days are so damn picky, i like mostly everything.

Add rum.

I don’t love it but around christmas time i have to have a glass or 2.


McDs used to have good eggnog shakes, not sure if they still do.

soy nog ftw

OMG those things are the SHIT!..i loved them. now i gotta find out if they have them again.

I drink egg nog … and I’m a puke fountain… i think i got really sick off it one time… and man… that was gross…


can’t drink it anymore after this

Rum-pilstiltskin ?

I hate eggnog out of the carton

If I make it though (with bourbon, not rum…) it is fantastic

mmm tis the season

sheetz gas stations in pa have self serve milkshake machines and i had one the other day coming home from pittsburgh.

Haven’t had it in a year. Use to hate it when I was a kid then tried it like last year ago and liked it.

Sheetz FTMFW!


oh my fucking god are you right about that!!! We stopped at 3 of them pittsburgh to here just to check them all out. The self ordering touch screens are fan fucking tastic and the milkshake machine is one step away from jetson style food dispensing.

i love eggnog, everyone thinks it tastes like shit though, nice to see others enjoy it

i puked on it once cuz i was chugging beer and eggnog literally at the same time, and dipping chips in jelly, and bitching at the peanut butter, laying on the floor with half my body in the fridge, hahahahah that was awesome :beer2:

and yeah that eggnog shake at mcdonalds was the shit

that was a good day in morning radio

I like it.