The baby blue shark hood neon tried chasing me down...

the point is idc

after the hour of catching up on this masterpiece of a thread i have concluded 4 things

  1. Vince you have challanged Ghettodax for NYspeed photoshop superiority

2.Attempting to battle newman in a war of words is never succesful so just fucking cut it out

  1. The Internet has created the greatest race of morons an kids with giant e-dicks who think they are the future, and are an unstoppable force that can clearly dominate anyone at anything

  2. If you are a male and you drive a baby blue neon you are gay, if you further continue to mod said p.o.s you are gayer, if you then have 10 friends join a car forum to defend said fag car, you are the gayest human being walking the face of the earth, and you should save us all the trouble of dealing with your shit and kill yourself /rant

the point is you ARE poor, and your definitely not as badass as you think you are.


they all hang out at the tops kmart in west necca

international tops? damnit i like taking my dates there!

Oh man the possibilities of making photoshops out of those pictures. Very tempted even though I don’t know these people.

I am willing to offer a trade for some of their broads though…

It had to be done


thats just disturbing.


oh my. hahahahaha.

i went to tops last night and thought i saw a bunch of twisted images cars. i laughed because i figured they were probably all bitching about nyspeed together. :lol:

I may drive by there later to see if they pay attention to the steye

lol, that picture is awful

haha. oh man.

i was brought up at some sort of group meeting or something. I haven’t even been an active proponent in this thread.

I swear these kinds of car owners make their cars look rediculious on purpose. These guys cant be THAT stupid to think anyone would like the shit they have done to them. I think maybe 2 in 100 people would like those cars. Then to park them diagnal in a parking spot…the car is shit, its nothing better than a stock cavalier…get over yourself and get thicker skin if you’re gonna drive a car than more than 3/4 of society deem as trash, crap, retarded, ect ect.
I wanna see Newman and these kids fight ON VIDEO.

like i said before im totally out of this along with the club re-up so dont include me as one of these kids.

i just got a rental car… and it’s a neon :ohnoes: