I will be sending payment tomorrow.

I think I’m going to tie a rope to a corner of the little blue house and the other end to the rear axle of the Vette and drag it with me back to Kittanning.

I will bring a couple cases of water

How many people normally go? I am thinking about attending…

I can’t go, this is my only keyboard. hate to smack darkstar with it

this is first one so hoping for good turnout. we typically have good turnouts for the BBQ just this time we involved racing.

I lol’d when I found this in a car tonight at Starlite


well matt. in your case no :eek: :rofl:
want to fight ???

GTO auto fag

I had 5 or so of those on my windshield at the show last night. I still have about 5 left that I plan on handing out to ricers when I see them.

I have a few spares you can borrow. I’d be happy to bring them. I’d imagine after I take the first one away from you and break it over your face I’ll need a few more to finish the job.

going to costco this week to get stuff to make my food. anything else i should grab while im there? plates and cups?

I am going to be in town that weekend. I have a family function during the day but will try to come out in the evening.

^That would be awesome.

An all star cast of current and former Disney Channel jailbait sluts showing up on my doorstep, seeking to violate each other in front of me as well as be violated by myself would be awesome.

Some dude showing up at a BBQ is not.

i’ll be bringing the camaro out for the first time in a year and 7 months, though i’m getting wisdom teeth out friday therefore while all of you enjoy yummy bbq, i’ll be trying to locate milk shakes of some sort

I can’t wait to see it run!

would be nice to run you again now that I have the car figured out :hsdance:

well in that case i have nothing to worry about then !

I’m getting mine out tomorrow talin along with a bunch of other work/messed up teeth…so I’m sure I’ll be joining ya on finding milkshakes …lol

very true. It would be pointless for you to even try to chase me. You’d never be able to keep up.

:rofl: nice try again