The best spam I have received in a while

lol tell him you’re a government official (or mafia?) or some shit and he’s being tracked right now. Fuck with him a little

make sure to use better grammar than him though

this is almost sorta scary that people get these messages


the funny thing is they wouldn’t do it unless some people were stupid enough to fall for it.

You should email him back about he’s a shining example of what’s wrong with the world. When you hire an assassin you expect the job to be done, not to have the assassin put the life up for bid.

I mean, put yourself in the shoes of the guy who wanted you dead in the first place. I’d be pissed if I spent good money on a hit, not to mention to the countless hours interviewing assassins, mercenaries and soldiers of fortune only to hire a guy who tries to make some money on the side doing the opposite of what I paid him for. It’s not like you can just pull out the yellow pages and pick a name. It takes a lot of leg work to track down a decent assassin. If you can’t trust a murderer for hire, who can you trust?

Tell him you will send Chuck Norris after him…

This is all because of the guy who tried to chase you down during the TSD rally isn’t it?

Probably. That guy had a few screws loose.

They’re doing a piece about this on Channel 4 in 5 minutes :rofl:


lol aw, I missed that? =( damn.