i ran into ground chuck the other day at sears with his two little ones…wow they wheer cute glad they didnt take after him…
so i decided hell im getting back on the bike…tossed it in the back of the yukon went to oakland…rode around…today…
peg bonks and sloppy feebles…haha
then rode up to cmu…fuck here come the rain…hhah got soaked but had fun…
man it been awhile…
left went down to rei and was looking at mountain bike found one i like marin bobcat traail biut the componets kinda sucked ass…and i know fro that much money i can get a nice frame and piece together the shit i need…
i need some more riding im a fucking mess on the 20 inch i had vada flat tires…
(havent rode the bike so long that the tires loose air Veda flat) ha