Spangler, I tore the wedge apart in the spring. I needed the 2x4s.
I hope they fixed the boxes at Bcubed. You couldn’t hit the first one dead center or you overshot. I got a swellbow from that place that lasted for a month.
I’ll probably make a road trip to Brickhouse if it’s worth it.
brickhouse is ok, think of a cross between somerset and butterbeans layout wise.
everyone has been going to ray’s in ohio to ride.
as soon as punjab hooks me up w/ some shit, ill be on the bmx this winter. lookng to update and get out of the 20th century via euro bb, small sprocket setup, etc etc.
thing i dont understand on the new bikes is how they got so short. no more long frames.
you aint kidding, thats why i got the haro, its a little more old school, i took a dk 8 pack for a spin and thought i was going over the bars way too short
Ahh, Sailor good to hear you’ll rock the 20" again. I never gave it up. Long frames are still around, but the rear end has gotten really short. I’m tall, running the same 21" TT I always did, but my rear end is only 13" center to center. We should all meet up and have a good session or something.
I think we definitely should. Sailor and Spangs…would you want to go in on a rental of Brickhouse? Rumor has it that it’s cheap. Keep it a small group.
I think my FBM is 13.5" c to c. Frame geometry is nowhere near the old Holmes frames. haha.
my biggest bitch is i dont care for short rear ends. my old holmes is by far my favorite frame. my sta i have disliked due to the short rear.
now the weight difference between now and 10 yrs ago is night and day difference. trail bikes today are lighter than full race bikes were. maybe once i start riding a full blown new bike ill change my attitude.
i still fuck around on my sta. granted, im rusty as fuck. would take me a good 2 weeks of riding to get into the flow again bike control wise. hell, last time i rode i was doing 180 feebles and 180 to nose or ice pick easier than trying to just go up and feeble/ice/nose pick shit.
[QUOTE=munster_ek;634465]Sailor and Spangs…would you want to go in on a rental of Brickhouse? QUOTE]
i live like 5 miles away from the place. u know how i am, i dont pay to ride places. i rather go outside in the cold and ride street. only time i ever paid was when we rented chenga or whatever park we were at.
Whatever you guys want to do, I’m in. We could even meet up and ride downtown, or parks local to me that are free, and go back to my place for some brews afterward. Its up to you guys.
i ran into ground chuck the other day at sears with his two little ones…wow they wheer cute glad they didnt take after him…
so i decided hell im getting back on the bike…tossed it in the back of the yukon went to oakland…rode around…today…
peg bonks and sloppy feebles…haha
then rode up to cmu…fuck here come the rain…hhah got soaked but had fun…
man it been awhile…
left went down to rei and was looking at mountain bike found one i like marin bobcat traail biut the componets kinda sucked ass…and i know fro that much money i can get a nice frame and piece together the shit i need…
i need some more riding im a fucking mess on the 20 inch i had vada flat tires…
(havent rode the bike so long that the tires loose air Veda flat) ha
hahaha. Dude, that’s awesome. I’d be down for an old school street session whenever. Then we’ll have to get something to eat somewhere because this fat kid isn’t doing anything without food.
Let me know, man.
When you said Chuck had two kids I pictured two mini Chucks bashing around Sears’ tool department.