The Caz 13th Annual Car Show pics


i have a question:

why was newman staring at the child in the car for an extended period of time to notice that she was in there that long?


maybe a sexual predator…

don’t you have some rich preppy kids that think they’re the shit to hate on somewhere else?

:gotme: love this post

Let me put out some facts about said incident:

  • It was at the EH mall meet about 1 year ago.

  • It was fairly late, like 11. Not late for you or I, but maybe for a small kid?

  • When this ugly blue POS rolled up. The first thing i did was come up and admire how shitty it was. Not just bad taste, but bad construction. In doing so I couldn’t help but notice that there was a young child sitting in the rear of the car. It was hard to overlook as it stood in glaring contrast to the shitty white interior. In fact, what i remember was that at the meet EVERYONE was parked in parking spots. Then these two clowns (pink and blue) showed up and parked diagonally in the area in front of the parking spots, as if they were the king of the fucking show. They obviously wanted people to look at them. The kid was NOT asleep while i peering in.

  • Nick Pearl was there… i’m just sayin

  • Had they not parked in the middle of everything, perhaps i wouldn’t have noticed that the entire time the car was there, the kid stayed inside.

  • After about an hour, we all left on the most disorganized cruise I’ve ever been on. In the time before i was lost from the main group, i saw said blue neon swerving in and out of traffic. Unless the kid’s owner left him tied up in the parking lot (though he may not be above that), I’d say it’s safe to assume that the kid was still strapped into the vehicle.

  • I’d also like to point out that the car is probably less safe than stock. Because of compromised body panels and poorly affixed interior “modifications”, I’d say it’s safe to assume that in the event of an accident. Junior might end up with a TV permanently molded into it’s head.

  • Sweet! You’re ricing out your kids now too

That is all.




:bloated: :bloated: :bloated: Fucking reminds me of Jaws on Wheels, save your money and get an education

Edit: perhaps classes in parenting from what Newman’s saying

^^^ love this man…(newman)…now I show up to places with my kids but I dont show up in my car I come in the mini van…I would never rice around the streets with my kids in the car… :gotme: but I have seen people leave many O places with there kids and do very dumb things

Pshhh most disorganized cruise… pppsshhhhhh not my fault there was 50 assclowns who cant drive. 75 cars to start… by the time we hit the highway it was down to like 7 cars. Me+m3 bryan+rsx Newman+lotus Kid+falling apart crx some civic and i think that was it… every one else was lost in buffalo. IM LIKE WTf

to be fair. there were 30 cars, tops.

you really think there was only 30? it seemed like more… maybe cuz every one was calling to ask where we were


Hey Asshole. I am color blind and I still think those cars are retarded so please dont include me with that group. :smiley:


My buddy joe is colorblind, had to buy a backpack one time, he came out of the store with a purple and pink one, “I just grabbed one” he gets a good razzing for that to this day.

“Art is subjective, but nobody ever said there isnt bad art”

Rice = Bad Art


“Art is subjective, but nobody ever said there isnt bad art”

Rice = Bad Art


agreed :slight_smile:

WOW. That baby blue P.O.S. Neon looks about as bad as the Neon I just saw downtown when I was going to grab some food. Clear tails, a wing about 3 feet tall, and a tool with a visor driving it.

im just going to say that myke is a good person a great father and he has alot of car and body work knowledge, if you dont like his car then keep your mouth shut, thats it. and if you have ever actually talked to him or been around him and his child you would see hes a great guy and a great father so stfu.


if you dont like his car then keep your mouth shut, thats it.


if i don’t like looking at his pile of shit he should keep it in a garage.

if you don’t like what i have to say, don’t read it.

It works both ways, bro.

I’m not making any judgments about his parenting. merely stating observations.


im just going to say that myke is a good person a great father and he has alot of car and body work knowledge, if you dont like his car then keep your mouth shut, thats it. and if you have ever actually talked to him or been around him and his child you would see hes a great guy and a great father so stfu.


Dont think i’d ever “hang” with a dude that has Shark teeth for a hood.

when u sit up here and talk bout his parenting that IS stating a FALSE observation, AND talking shit bout something that u shud keep ur fuckin mouth shut bout.
no one asked u 2 look at his car, keep ur fuckin pathetic waste of breathE opinion 2 ur fuckin self.
u dont like ANYONES car so y bother going 2 the car shows?
no one cares bout ur opinion, but when u SPREADING shit bout his personal life u better watch wat u fuckin say.


Dont think i’d ever “hang” with a dude that has Shark teeth for a hood.


is anyone asking 2 hang with you? i didnt think so.



to /tu; unstressed tʊ, tə/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[too; unstressed too, tuh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

  1. (used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from): They came to the house.
  2. (used for expressing direction or motion or direction toward something) in the direction of; toward: from north to south.
  3. (used for expressing limit of movement or extension): He grew to six feet.
  4. (used for expressing contact or contiguity) on; against; beside; upon: a right uppercut to the jaw; Apply varnish to the surface.
  5. (used for expressing a point of limit in time) before; until: to this day; It is ten minutes to six. We work from nine to five.
  6. (used for expressing aim, purpose, or intention): going to the rescue.
  7. (used for expressing destination or appointed end): sentenced to jail.
  8. (used for expressing agency, result, or consequence): to my dismay; The flowers opened to the sun.
  9. (used for expressing a resulting state or condition): He tore it to pieces.
  10. (used for expressing the object of inclination or desire): They drank to her health.
  11. (used for expressing the object of a right or claim): claimants to an estate.
  12. (used for expressing limit in degree, condition, or amount): wet to the skin; goods amounting to $1000; Tomorrow’s high will be 75 to 80°.
  13. (used for expressing addition or accompaniment) with: He added insult to injury. They danced to the music. Where is the top to this box?
  14. (used for expressing attachment or adherence): She held to her opinion.
  15. (used for expressing comparison or opposition): inferior to last year’s crop; The score is eight to seven.
  16. (used for expressing agreement or accordance) according to; by: a position to one’s liking; to the best of my knowledge.
  17. (used for expressing reference, reaction, or relation): What will he say to this?
  18. (used for expressing a relative position): parallel to the roof.
  19. (used for expressing a proportion of number or quantity) in; making up: 12 to the dozen; 20 miles to the gallon.
  20. (used for indicating the indirect object of a verb, for connecting a verb with its complement, or for indicating or limiting the application of an adjective, noun, or pronoun): Give it to me. I refer to your work.
  21. (used as the ordinary sign or accompaniment of the infinitive, as in expressing motion, direction, or purpose, in ordinary uses with a substantive object.)
  22. Mathematics. raised to the power indicated: Three to the fourth is 81 (34 = 81).
  23. toward a point, person, place, or thing, implied or understood.
  24. toward a contact point or closed position: Pull the door to.
  25. toward a matter, action, or work: We turned to with a will.
  26. into a state of consciousness; out of unconsciousness: after he came to.
  27. to and fro. fro (def. 2).
    [Origin: bef. 900; ME, OE tō; c. D te, toe, G zu]


Your friend is a ricer and an idiot.




agreed :slight_smile:


what happend to ur z?


nice ricers… kidding…



my neighbor won that show… AGAIN… :slight_smile: with a different car :slight_smile: