The conundrum: bikes.

Why do boys bikes have a high cross bar, while girls’ have low one?

Aaaaaand go!

First to solve the puzzle gets 50 rep points.

They’ll get harder as they go.

Are we talking BMX, MX or what here?

I’d guess its the lengths of the tubes to figure for the structural difference between dudes and chicks like proportional difference between the legs and the torso (mid section)

I’d assume frame stiffness for a longer bar as well.

Way to google search! :rofl

So boys don’t smash their balls on the bike when getting off of them.

Girls wear skirts.

Think about that…so boys don’t smash there balls??? Then the crossbar would be lower not higher.

Ding ding!!

You fail x10. - rep

My engineering > you

The right answer is not necessarily the direct answer :ponder

Ding* ding* ding* ding*

We got a winner.

Stay tuned, they will get harder and more google proof.

Just keep in mind - the your right answer is not always right :ahh

  • rep for giving me - rep!

I read the post backwards, my apologies.

Your engineering doesn’t mean SHIT to me, there are engineers at my work that come to me often asking about yarn development and I am only a measly Lab Tech. So you and your poopra back away

While were at it, why do knee grows always ride girls bikes?


Actually if you get into the realm of real bikes (quality bike, not some wal mart junker) the ladies bikes get a high top tube as well. They just tweak the geometry a bit to fit the dimensions of a typical woman a bit better.

That’s simply because female pro riders, don’t wear skirts :tongue

I didn’t actually -rep you. You took that very srs. Mr first neg rep.

You are dead to me.

Take a ride on this.