The coolest house you've ever seen, only $39 million.

how can some of you people say it was’nt in iron man? Such a unique garage


It’s a beuatiful design, but nothing realy stretching the limits or anything.
Because they look NOTHING alike. And the house in the movie is completely CGI.

you are still missing all of the glass which is big $$$$, all of wiring through out, the plumbing and the design work, I guarantee the design fees of that house are at least a mil, and what not, and complying with title 24 which is a pain in the ass… There is a lot more there than just the concrete. You are also assuming the price of concrete, which do to the location, is probably pre-tensioned which still costs more, as it is not going to be a pour on site job.

I thought I recognized this house. It’s in La Jolla, a “city” outside of San Diego.

Why are we debating the price of this house based on material? It’s a work of art basically. It can be worth whatever the fuck they want it to be worth.

crappy cell pic from PB, but here is another pretty sick house