The Dark Knight Movie

I would like to see Talia al Ghul because it would tie into the first one and it would almost be the same story as Bruce’s as to avenging his parents death. She would be doing the same thing.

Movie was sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk:headbang:

Joker part was played very well

BTW I love how some of your avatars are batman themed now lo

I’m also in love with the MV Agusta F4 Bruce rides.

… I skimmed it but it looks to me like some fan boy’s opinion on who should be in the movies not who actually will be… The fact that you made it all in caps defnitely makes me want to go cry about it. Fuck them for killing off a dynamic batman character, thats what i have to say about that cause they clearly won’t try to recast the joker for at least 1 movie.

Maybe he’s just trying to get it through your thick skull that Two Face is going to magically come back from the dead in the next one?

If I want your opinion I will fuck start your face till it get it out of you. Until then sit there look pretty and keep your pie hole shut.


EDIT: I’m not violent i just really wanted to say “fuck start your face”

wow… i heard that YEARS ago, but have never heard anyone else since then say that… you sir… are a god among men

ughh that was soo hot, the exhaust is sexx

300 million in 10 days, new record.

Am I the only one that thought the movie was terrible? The action sucked and was boring for the most part, nothing really grabbed my attention except for the pencil trick. I thought Heath’s performance was alright but not as good as everyone else made it out to be. On that note I was pretty wasted when I saw the movie and am going again tonight to see it a little more sober.

That would help, you crabby old sot!


Pretty much, yes.

The are projecting to be at 400 mil by the 18th day. Thats crazy. Well deserved though.

saw it again tonight, cant wait for it to be out on DVD.

Nolan said in no uncertain terms he won’t do the penguin. The character won’t translate properly to his style.

Bale said he will lock himself in his house and refuse to work if they bring in Robin. Not to mention it doesn’t fit the storyline yet, he is still a young batman.

Catwoman is not a proper villain to carry the role either.

There are some horrid guesses in this thread.

I would expect two face and/or riddler. The only thing going against the riddler is the fact that he is a very similar style of character to the joker to the casual observer. However I think the riddler/batman relationship would fit well with the nolan style and be believable.

No one ever showed two face as dead. Dent’s “character” as a hero had to die in order to protect Gotham, no one said he was actually dead.

I’m already curious as hell as to who the next Villain will be.

Walter is right about the Riddler though. They may not want to do it since the two villains are sort of similar. Thank god they don’t want to bring in Penguin or Robin.

Who knows, perhaps they will introduce a new villain, or maybe pick one that is less popular.

Harley Quinn was a product of the animated series and would not be done.

Mr. Freeze would be very unlikely because his character is far too sci-fi. The best guess I had heard on him would be an interpretation where his character used the cold as a calling card, ie frozen victims or something, nothing of the sort that Mr. Arnold portrayed.

He does need a new female interest, which is the only thing that could possibly bring in the likes of catwoman, but only as a sidestory IMO. No where near an appropriate character for this story line.

In the end it is all speculation, Nolan hasn’t even signed up for a 3rd film, and there is nothing to say that he won’t feel that this path has run its course and take an entirely new direction with the next film.

God, “Batman and Robin” was easily the worst of the older movies. Isn’t that the one where the bat suits had nipples lol.


I thought the movie was pretty good.

The only thing i didn’t like, which may have been covered in here, was that Harvey Dent’s voice didn’t change at all even after half of his lips were gone…