I picked up an 88 325is in december of '10. Spent what time i had to take it apart a bit. Last august I picked up an '87 325is for parts. Turned out it was a great, mostly rust free shell, so ive decided that it will recieve all the attention. The 87 will recieve the 88 motor.
Having trouble posting pictures. Im usually on r3vlimited.
---------- Post added at 11:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ----------
Its an m20b25 from an '87 325is. The car itself has 200k on it. The car has sat for a few years with old gas before I bought it so the injectors were clogged up. I cleaned out the injectors then the motor ran flawlessly. I later discovered that the stamping on the side of the head had the ‘2.5’ over the ‘2.7’ which means its an 885 ‘i’ head, only later than 1987. This means that the car, in the past, had either had the head or whole motor replaced from possibly a snapped timing belt or overheating. I don’t know though. That just means the motor has under 200k. TMI? lol
Heres a pic from another motor with the same stamping:
well, motor dropped from the 88 and on the stand.
Chopped the bottom portion of the core support off. Can easily be re welded if someone wants my core support.