The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

anyone else a fan of this series? Morrowind got me hooked :tup:

cant wait for this one… supposed to be released tomorrow I believe

my computer is probably going to DIAF trying to run this game, but hopefully it’s forgiving

the screen shots look amazing. i was all about morrowind until my save got corrupted.

not because i was cheating or anything :slight_smile:

yeah Morrowind rules and i am pumped on the idea of Oblivion
but online stores say

Release Date : 2006-03-21
Availability: This item will be released on March 20, 2006

Sys req.

  • Windows XP
  • 512MB System RAM
  • 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
  • 128MB Direct3D compatable video card
  • DirectX 9.0 compatable driver
  • 8x DVD-ROM drive
  • 4.6 GB free hard drive space
  • DirectX 9.0c (included)
  • DirectX 8.1 compatable sound card
  • Keyboard, Mouse


  • 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
  • 1 GB System RAM
  • ATI X800 series, Nvidia GeForce 6800 series, or higher video card

Should be super awesome tho

i have morrowind for Y-box and i just cant seem to get motivated enough to play it. its just so damn confusing. i guess im not very good with the complicated games.

They would have to make some major improvements over the last release for it to be any good. I will still DL it just to check out the graphics/gameplay

/bump cuz it came out today. anyone playing it yet? im gonna be getting it soon :smiley:

Looks good, downloading it now… I mean buying it :wink:

this game ROCKS!!! so far the RPG ive ever played. Im 5+ houres into the game and i cant keep my self away form playing. I bought the xbox360 Collectors Edition and so far for grafics are a 10 , game play controls 10, Minimal slowdown and minor poping of the environments when they load (but nothing that hurts gameplay). The levels are HUGE, after 5 hours of playing im on level 3 I guess the whole map is 16 square miles!!
If you have a 360 BUY THIS GAME even if you dont like rpg’s It’s like a 1st person shooter / hack and slash … you will not be dissapointd !!!

O wait there was one downfall the Collector’s set was 70 bux WTF

i was looking into this last night and had a friend tell me all about it. looks amazing and the features too

link? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, only torrent I found so far for it was a really bad one that didnt really work. still looking for a good one =(

About 15 seeders and 10000 peers thats what my client is telling me… this might take a while

newsgroups FTW

damn 2712 peers and 14 seeders lol

the inferno tracker one is the only one that is still moving for me(24%), the other 3 trackers are at 5% , 2 % and 17%. Yes this will take awhile :frowning: but o wells$

was @ 55% last I checked and getting speeds of around 100kbps… not too bad I guess. Will hopefully be done when I get out of work (but not holding my breath)

edit: with alot more seeders now aswell (connected to 10 @ the moment)

Is any one else playing this game yet ? so far im 12 hours into the game and theres still tones of stuff i have to do!! i guess to fully finish the game takes 200 hours or just half of your personal life :meh: hehe

got it running, but didnt have time to jam on it… I just went out and bought it.

the first 30 seconds I was running it, I was very impressed how good it looked :slight_smile: I have no problems supporting companies that make a great product

I have to do some adjusting though with the settings for my vid card… most of the time, it looked good and wasnt to bad in the framerate dept… but other times, it was about it DIAF lol

will give my thoughts on it later today or tomorrow

I think im gonna wait a few days before I start dling the torrent so I spend less time waiting for seeders… cant wait to play this though… looks effing amazing

just an FYI… last time I checked, that torrent had a few hundred seeders :slight_smile: