The end of an era...bye bye Cobra.

you should have just PMd him and asked to have him remove it… or maybe your brother shoudl have if he cared… but instead you brought more attention to it :frowning:

gonna miss the car Mike… but its for the better i guess… oh well, no more layin patches leavin teds… hope ur new rides faster :wink:

no way sarah… he still has the prizm…

Mike, while I know very little of your car, it seemed fast really fast, you’re a cool dude, and I wish you luck with your next auto.

jeez, some of the responses here make it sound like a close relative died



go Jap

God you guys were supposed to keep it under wraps. :frowning:

Thanks for the kind words dudes.

It was weird coming home from O last night and walking into an empty garage.

Gonna have to fix that sooner or later.

Selling it for better things :tup:

i’m a little late but :frowning:

i loved that car.

but a G35 would quickly replace my love for the cobra.

and my neighbors won’t yell at you for it being too loud either lol

seriously, screw your neighbors. i really really wish i had pulled in their driveway and gone WOT so their eardrums popped.

but thanks for the support <3

We never got our run it did we, oh well its always fun while it lasts! :tup:

bladez took over his role… ask him :wink:

hes got something for ya