stop the hating on you?
you guys had a circle jerk fest after I blew seans doors off, 8 runs in a row about how my car is a pos, I cheated, bla bla bla. Shit goes around in circles. It came back to me.
why do you think Im being such a prick towards you two?
sean was talking shit about my car and wanting to run me before we even lined up! His friends were coming to me and telling me. Then after I proved him wrong, he continued to talk shit to the wrong people still! and it got back to me again. The kid went as far as telling people at his work, that he killed a white camaro SS. it was pretty funny when his Boss showed some of his co workers the videos… I am not sure if it was you, your brother or some other kids that were out that night but I have also been told by several people some others were saying shit.
so I take it you retracted your “in seans replacement rematch from a 60 roll” then?