The Everlasting "Who's going to LVD" Thread

goin to watch the waces at webanon vawwey. leaving now. see ya there!

yup ok have fun

shift I’m prolly not going this week. Getting the studs replaced in my manifold isn’t looking like a reality this week

nooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee cares

anyone heading down today?

My testicles… your mouth… hop to it…

Yep, got 3 runs in Wed night… 2 with Erik in the truck and last one on my own… Next time you should come say hello…

Does anyone have 5x110 DR’s I can use Wednesday?

Didn’t think so.

Who’s going in the sweltering heat this week?

I’ll pass on boiling my coolant right out of the car…fuck that noise

Id rather boil my coolant then my skin

Do not believe I’m going if its going to be 95degrees.

Absolutely will not be there.

No thank you, fuck the heat!


:crazy = if your going

your sweating just thinkin about it

Ill be there 100%!

def not running the bike in that shit 95* + leather = death, I think I will enjoy a swimming pool or my ice cold AC.

Im going