The Everlasting "Who's going to LVD" Thread

You havent even asked me out on a date yet :ahh

100% true.

We need to roll out in your honda.

awwwww. its ok, you dont have to slep on the couch tonight!!

I just jerked off in this thread.


Alright guy, when you want to line up I’ll be at LVD with slicks and e85. You guys take this street racing shit wayy to seriously. I honestly just want the time slips to stop the bullshit.
You should prolly let Laduke sleep. HE just might have class in the morning.

I’ll be like this homo Death and call out other cars for you to race.

—AROD will dig you on the street.

So who owns the fastest of the fast blue da car here thats the big racer now? One brother own and other race or what?

Ouuuuu someones getting a wittle butt hurrtt.

ahhh so why do you call yourself true street then? Street cars that wont run on the streetsssss. Its a little misguiding.

yah, I will be at the track October 14th.

That Blue DA owns the blue one. Green one is having issues with the boost soloiend. Will be getting fixed soon and be coming to a track near you. I help my brother out in anyway he can as he does for me. Thats me bench racing too untill its out :tongue

Again why do you care about our name? this is SHIFT 518. so the people who dont have standard cars cant post? and I can make fun of them?? Its just like shift 518 minus a message boardddddd

Looks like we’ll just bench race eachother i guess. Gay boy an drew can really race.

oh not us big guy. You know your my favorite. :ohnoes

ill bench race the shit outta this thread! JUST WAIT!

Why is having an auto something to be made fun of?

:rofl i cant wait to plus rep you tomorrow.

Why is having a car on the street but dont race 1567355 times a day something to be made fun of?

autos still shift broski, and if it has a manual valve body, you do it manually…upshift AND downshift lmao.

Because it really sucks to have 1.4 sixty footers.

and street cars still drive on the street !! :lol

Dig me on the street.