The Everlasting "Who's going to LVD" Thread

Why do you want to run me knowing that I have NO traction below a 60 on the STREET? Does that make you wet or somethin man? I mean come on…

Whats the excuse gonna be if I lose? I didnt have the traction? No, my slicks will be on! So it’s kinda hard to make excuses when you are on the best tire your gonna be able to put on the car.

Really man this is where the shit talking will end.

so then put the sticky tire on for the street?

Im leaving this forum and going to the real hang out. Maybe get some stickers for my car and a cool nick name.

I see your post. It will keep being ignored. Not trying to sound like a dick, just this whole thread is me trying to say at the track for a dig run. Your shit is fast Pete you already know this.

make sure to grab me a SHIFT 518 sticker!! and you already got a good nick name Deathy :hug

and how long did you search to find that? you must get real bored at night sir!!

I don’t take street racing too seriously so to put the slicks on and run people is not something I just really care to do. All i’m trying to get at is just meet me up to LVD… Go get married, get settled in then let’s do this. I can wait til then.

Someone pointed it out to me.

and I dont take lvd seriously.

so I guess there is a problem here.

I went to lebanon once this year. First time there in almost 2 years. Ran my 11’s on a blown clutch, and limped home.

oh yeah? who would that be. As all of my friends dont know you. IF they do, you for sure asked. You my friend need to relax on this. IF you wanna make fun of the t.s. group go ahead. I wont loose sleep over it. Just remember, as your making fun of me…I wil be doing it right back. How ever you want to play, we can…:rofl

I dont know any of your friends. One of my friends pointed it out to me and we lol’ed at it. Im not losing any sleep over anything, i could care less what any of you do. When my cars ready to go again i will run you, your brother, arod, pete, drew, the s2k’s, the jeep etc.

well let me know because then I will bolt up my slicks to run

To be honest I never ran at LVD much either due to always having issues. I have changed the way I feel about the car over the summer and would just like to really get on it at the track now. I love my car, i’m just sick of having no traction on the street…

in their defense, that blue da ran an 11.1 after just a handful of passes, probably less than you have…

i saw a 127mph trap too on low boost, so i think you would have your work cut out for you… maybe do a dig, and a roll. but honestly the car is fast man.

and the fact you guys brought it up makes me lol. I love it!! what do they say? If there not booing or cheering your not doing it right? I want you to know if your trying to piss me off your rly not :hug

How many times do i have to tell you i dont care? Youre fun to make fun of. He said “look at this” i replied with “lol” that make ya happy?

im not saying I dont…I went 127 with issues as well. You know this.

hey man so are you! glad we have something in common.

nick key thing in your quote is when your car is going to be ready

…alright? Wasn’t aware you were trying to make fun of me. Youuu got me real good.

And when i blow your doors and faggy convertable top off. Enjoy your neg.