The Everlasting "Who's going to LVD" Thread

i love and hate u at the same time…

What time we going down?

good question…sarge will be late bc he has to get all dolled up as usuall

Hopefully Sarge throws up under a table at Biergarden again.

…he will…always does


never happened

asked on the facebook page. test and tune is on for saturday only

It starts at Wolfs first right? I dont think I want to venture down to cramped ass biergarten as from prior experiences it is not a pleasurable event

worse thing…everybody comes over to my apt and plays beer pong!!!

Ill be there, ill look for Sarge and PSI (if he goes) being i only know who they are and not u! haha I will be there with a few friends thou

I have a feeling its going to be swamped again but I may go

thanks for the invite.

u can def come hombre!

it might happen, it might not. i dont know if im working yet either

Wolff’s is biergarten, I’m confused. It’s the block party.


anyone headding down today?? weather says 30% chance of rain sooooo i still might go

I thought you meant wolfs 111

not sure what weather report your looking at. Its pouring here in cp.

i went to lvd site and did the weather check threw their and say 30% till like 10pm but yeah its raining but should stop. b4 6p