The Everlasting "Who's going to LVD" Thread

13.99 or quicker

FUCK! I dont want to have to buy a damn helmet. Ive got a big ass head.

The tether kill switch might be an issue. I don’t think I can ride it fast enough to trap 130, but I think the bike is capable of it. I have leather pants I’d be wearing anyways.

Tell him you normally run 14.4. Your first couple of runs will probably suck anyway.


Here is a pic of the one I made for my bike (instead of buying an expensive switch online) and it is legal to use according to NHRA rules. Just pick up a lanyard for around $5 and drill a small hole in the switch, put in screw and done. I didn’t get a long lanyard at the time it was the only length I found which is fine, I just hook it to my glove while most people with longer ones hook it to there jacket. Works the same either way.

Not that this is not innovative but a few things that may be a concern. If your lanyard pulls down on the switch it may not pop the button up. If the lanyard is connected to your glove, your glove may come off your body much easier than the jacket. Otherwise, if it passes tech than f#ck it

I could possibly see the first issue happening, I mean I have messed with it pulling and it doesn’t require much pressure at all to flip the switch, not saying it couldn’t happen just saying its highly unlikely. As for the glove coming off, definitely not coming off my hand, the velcro strap is around the wrist and it would take A LOT of force to pull that off my hand without the switch being pulled first. But yeah it passes tech so I’m good with it and it only cost me a few bucks LOL.

Hm, awesome. Thanks for the tip man.

So you gonna break 11’s this year?

Him or me? I’ve never launched a bike before. I’ll be easing into it.

Him, lol

Haha someones got jokes! I should be running Saturday…gunna work on my launches the first couple runs then go all out after that. My launches SUCK.

97 cavy, if you go I’ll let you borrow my brothers or my helmet. we both have big heads… Mine is a xxl his is a 3xl

might stop by saturday. no more racing in my focus (lol). waiting till after college and i buy a car i really have my eyes on

I might go, see if these 555r’s help me out at all. Its not like Im putting a crazy amount of power down but I want to get 12’s basically stock

if I hook on a 150 shot on the 555r’s you will.

I meant more along the lines of saying I’m not sure if I spun enough with the regular rs-a’s for these to really cut my time down.

do a loong burnout to heat those up. they are a great daily driver dr, but they leave alot to be desired at the track. not impossible to cut good times tho

thanks for the advice, appreciate it.

np dude