The Fast & The Furious 3 TD

That’s not a spoiler, that’s a terrible photochop. The first picture is horrendous, the second looks pretty good.

id go and see it…only im new to this board and i only know a few people…keep posts when it gets closer to the date. Im Doug btw. I hope to meet a bunch of you guys this summer…and as for everyone ripping on the first 2 movies…i didnt think they were that bad. Some of the cars i thought were pretty sweet.


I’m not wasting my time or money and asscoiating myself with that crap.

I’ll just buy it when it comes out :tup:

Vin Diesel is back?

Is there going to be any meeting place before the movie? Like i said i dont really know anybody and id like to meet some of you guys…and as the date gets closer, post up which date you all wanted to go and see the movie…im not sure if you guys planned on going on opening day or not???

I vote not opening night
(to damn busy)
Unless we wanna go early

I totally want to video tape the people in the lot doing “burnouts” and drifiting into curbs with their mom’s Buick. :tup:

How long can we do this?
Depends, how long can you hold your breath?

And the 50+ cop car pile-up, plus some good music.


I am looking forward to lockport ricer fest of '06
I saw a mini van attempt a mean drift last week
not to mention the driver was 16ish and the van was full…
at least it was in an empty parking lot

Ha I remember that, it will be that kid X100 a week from this friday