happy 420 to all

Dude, I don’t care if your gay, married (a_ahmed) and smoke pot. Like I said, I have friends who smoke pot. Where did you get the idea that I was “hating” on pot smokers? All I did was ask why such an emotional reaction was displayed to some guy who hates hippies.

To the some dude is a VP of some company and he smokes pot, I mean a lot of pot argument. Waaa waaa waaa, go cry me another story. :-({|= Oh, am I to believe that because some rich dude smokes pot that you’re immediatly a genius or capable of making high level business decisions to direct a company in today’s every changing market? How about responsible, reliable or culpable? I will never base that judgement on the fact that they smoke or don’t smoke pot. The real truth is that judgement is based on the persons skills and history, irregardless of this recreational activity.

If you want to prove that pot smokers are mature and well respected members of the community then I suggest that you grow up instead of doing the rest of the community a disservice by acting like a 16 year old emo idiot.