the french onion dip thread

i am a french onion dip LOVER! i dip all kinds of shit in it and love it. what kinda crazy ztuff do you dip in it??

doritos FTW
on baked potato
BBq chips
pringles original


this has got to be the worst thread EVER :stuck_out_tongue:

none the less… French onion dip is good shit


damn u now i got a craving for French Onion Dip BISON ONLY

I just thought about french fries! man that unhealthy…

French onion soup FTW

this is jump my contribution to pointless threads. sorry lol

man this sucks…i got a bag of mini pretzels and no dip…if it werent for u i wouldnt have thought about it

SORRY man, im hitting the doritos and bison as we post lol

I don’t like potato chips.
However, if I start eating them with some dip, I will not be able to stop.

Speaking of dips
I love to get a round loaf of seedless rye bread and rip pieces off with some dill dip. I will eat that until I am sick.

OMG dill dip on rye bread is outstanding! Although i would probably eat a sweaty boot if it had dill dip on it.

^ that is the shit as well. dont even get me started on french onion soup.

other things i like:
bleu cheese on my pizza like woah


Heluvagood FTW!

bring me my ranch dressing hose

ranch dressing is another of my food fetishes lol

damn you…i a stopping at the store on zee way home

hahaha thats a great line

I however hate ranch dressing.

I dip my balls in it…



and i put it on baked potatoes